Events Calendar

Events Calendar


Men’s Bible Study

The new Wednesday Night Men’s Bible Study starts February 23 at 6:30p. It meets at the church office, 424 Lincoln Blvd, suite 202.

Came to Believe Recovery

Came to Believe Recovery weekly meetings are held for the promotion of fellowship and support amongst alcoholics, addicts and family members. Meetings espouse the same principles of recovery taught by the founders of the 12 Steps of Recovery and at our retreats.

Sunday Worship Gathering @ 9

Join us on Sunday mornings at 9am. We live stream 9am only at Live.Emmaus.Church.

Men’s Morning Bible Study

This group is open to all men. We discuss Sunday’s message and meet on Tuesdays at 7:00am at 424 Lincoln Blvd., Ste. 202.