Are You Growing?

Are You Growing?

I met with a friend recently over coffee who is in my home group through Emmaus. She is really growing in this season of her life! We meet every Wednesday and discuss a few books that are part of our Freedom In Christ ministry. Through her study of the materials and our discussion time, she has been able to experience victory in new areas of her life. She told me about her process of growth and explained that she started out by first attending on Sunday, but didn’t feel like she was really growing until she started attending a home group. She has gotten to know people in our group who care about her and her kids and desire to get into the Bible and grow together. She is also choosing to worship and grow by serving as well. She was invited to help on the greeting team as well as serve once a month on set design set-up.
Get Growing!
It is our desire that we grow together as a transformational community of compassion! Are you plugged into a home group or serving on a team at Emmaus? We encourage you to check out our list of home groups as well as areas where you can serve! Also, you can pick up a list of Discipleship Classes/Opportunities for 2012 at the info table at Emmaus.  We meet on Sundays at 10am for Church in Lincoln, CA.
Source: New feed