Emmaus Senior Night
We will be honoring the high school seniors in our church community. Families and friends of the seniors are invited to join us at 6:30p at the church for dinner. We will speak about each senior, and pray over them as they begin this new season in their life.
New to Emmaus
If you are new, or new-ish, at Emmaus you are invited to our New to Emmaus Lunch on May 1. We will spend time together, hear about your story, and give some background on the story of our church. There will also be time to ask any questions you’ve had about Emmaus.
Good Friday Art Open House
Since the fourth century Christians have remembered Jesus’ journey of suffering by going on a walk and pausing to reflect on the events of the Friday we call “Good.” This Good Friday (April 15th) Emmaus Church will be open from 3 to 7. You are invited to come anytime, walk through the series of art pieces, read the story of Jesus’ suffering, and pray. There will be a “Stations of the Cross” walk downstairs for the whole family as well as an experience…
Ignite Retreat
Ignite Middle School Ministry is heading to the mountains! All middle school students are invited to join us April 1-3, 2022 for our Ignite Spring Retreat. We will be heading to Arnold, CA to spend the weekend in a cabin. The weekend will be focusing around the strengths and gifts God has given us. Each student participating in retreat will have to complete Clifton StrengthsExplorer. The access code fee is included in your retreat registration, and we will send the test…
Youth Park Day
All middle and high school students (and their families) are invited to our youth park day. Pack a lunch, bring some chairs, and spend the afternoon connecting with each other. We will be at Foskett Ranch Park in Lincoln. We’ll meet at the park after the 11a gathering, and hang out until 3:00p.
Women’s Retreat 2022
Have you ever wondered what happens at Women’s Retreat? Do you crave sacred space and the love of God in community? Let’s join together and practice going away to be with the Father. Come share in spiritually engaging conversation. Make new friends and deepen relationships. Be challenged by powerful teaching. Rest by outdoor fireplaces or take walks along the beautiful trails in Nevada City. There’s something awaiting each of us this Spring. Who: Skeptics or Fans of Women’s Events ages…
Ignite Rockin’ Jump
Our Ignite Middle School students will be spending 2 hours at Rockin’ Jump on Monday Feb. 21. The jump fee is $17 per student.
Ember Winter Retreat
Ember High School Ministries is heading to the mountains! All high school students are invited to join us February 4-6, 2022 in Truckee for a weekend of intentional fellowship, deep conversation, lots of fun, and maybe even some snow. The weekend will be focused around ways we approach situations in our life as a child of God. We will meet after school on Friday and leaders will drive students up to the cabin and back on Sunday. Registration for Ember Retreat…
Ember Mission Trip Info Meeting
Come hear more info about a mission trip planned for 2022. This trip is being offered to our current Ember students. Parents and students are invited to this meeting to get any questions answered, learn about the plans, and hear current travel realities. We’ll meet at the Emmaus Office at 6:30pm.
Membership Class
Join the pastoral staff for a meal and some time to learn more about membership at Emmaus.