The Second Meal in Luke

The Second Meal in Luke

As our community continues this new series studying the meals in Luke, it is important that we recognize the amazing ministry Jesus carries out as he eats with different groups of people. In His gentle yet revolutionary way, he changes everything in their lives. He accepts the unaccepted. He loves the unlovely. He is kind to the unkind and fair to the unfair. He forgives the unforgivable in society’s eyes.
No one is out of His reach. He loves each of us and those we least expect Him to love. He invites all of us to his table.
This week we are learning about the meal at Simon’s house. Luke teaches us about God’s kingdom as he describes and retells the events of the meal at Simon’s house. During this important meal, we learn about the nature of the relationship between love and forgiveness: She who is forgiven much, loves much! But he who is forgiven little, loves little.
We also learn about the relationship between recognizing our need for Jesus and our receiving of forgiveness. The worshipping woman completely and openly expresses her love for Jesus. She recognizes how very much she needs Him. In her act of worship, love and recognition of need- she receives the forgiveness of Christ. He tells her, “Your sins are forgiven.” He also tells her, “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.” What amazing words!
He forgives and saves all who recognize their need for Him.
Questions for the ride to church:

Do you ever think about how you need God? In what ways do you think you need Him?
Do you ever tell God you need Him? When was the last time? What prompted you to say this to Him?
Think of someone in your life that really needs Jesus? How do you feel about that person? Is it easy or hard to imagine Jesus forgiving that person? Why or Why not?

Questions for the ride home:

What happened during the meal at Simon’s house?
How did Simon feel about the woman who washed Jesus’ feet? Is there anyone you feel that way about? Anyone you reject in your life?
How are Simon’s actions different from hers? What does Jesus point out?
How are her actions connected to receiving forgiveness and salvation?

Source: New feed