When Things Fall Apart with Emmaus Kids

When Things Fall Apart with Emmaus Kids

The Emmaus Kids chapel lesson from Sunday followed the theme of being thankful even when things feel like they are falling apart. We revisited 1 Thessalonians 5:18, “in all things give thanks; for this is God’s plan for you in Christ Jesus.”
To expand on this point, we discussed the story of Job. Just like in Job, when it feels like there is nothing to be thankful for, we are to still give thanks to God, for God can take what feels broken and hopeless and make it beautiful.
Our Bonus Round session re-enforced this concept through games and a craft. The kids took something broken (cut up tissue paper) and made something beautiful (an ornament).
Interesteed in finding out more about Emmaus Kids chapel or the bonus round? Come join us for Church in Lincoln, CA on Sunday mornings at 10.  Contact Denise Alves for Emmaus Kids details.
Source: New feed