Creativity In Worship

Creativity In Worship

I love it when someone in our Emmaus community is so touched and transformed by a message that God gives them lyrics and even a melody to express what is happening in their heart! This happened recently in my husband, Darrell Haskins, after a message by Nate called “They Reveled in His Glory”. I love the line, “You are here now with us and revel in your presence”. It reminds me of the name for Jesus, Emanuel, meaning “God with us.” There is nothing more amazing than that and certainly the best reason to revel! Read the lyrics below and spend some time reveling in God’s goodness, glory and presence today!

Your grace is more than I could need.
All good things come from you.
You give life abundantly
Your word is strong and true
You give because you are good
You give more than I could hold
You give because it’s who you are
You sustain me, you sustain me
You give life you give joy
And we revel in your goodness
You are here now with us
And we revel in your presence
Hallelujah, Hallelujah!
Source: New feed