Church Blog (Page 10)

10 Minutes in Church

  In keeping with the plan to parallel the teachings of the church gathering, Sunday’s Children’s Chapel studied the basic definition of church: people gathered around word and sacrament. We focused on the three points of: people gathered word sacrament Our study verse was Matt 18:20 “…where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am with them.” You can reinforce this lesson by discussing it with your child. What do you feel is the most important aspect…

The Christmas Activity Tree

Sandie, the Executive Pastor at Emmaus Church, shared an excellent idea on her personal blog a few weeks ago.  Advent is finally here and I know that lots of families have wonderful advent traditions.  The Christmas Activty Tree is one my wife and I are going to try with our three little ones this year.  Check out some of the wonderful expereinces that Sandie has pulled off with her family over the last few years.   Here’s another list of ideas…

We Are A Family at Emmaus Church Community

At Emmaus Church in Lincoln, CA, we are sharing life and discovering Jesus together. We desire to be a transformational community of compassion. We are a family. Every year during Advent, we have a Compassion Plan to support a few groups of people for the following year. We ask God to show us what groups of people we need to rally around and support with our resources and time in the new year. For 2012, we will be supporting the…

Advent At Emmaus Church Community

It’s remarkable: the power of gratitude. Being thankful – full of thanks – can change just about anything. From the way we eat, to the way we work, to the way we die, so much of life comes down to this question, “Are you thankful?” Try this: go through the day thanking everyone you talk to for something. Or try this: before you fall asleep, thank God for 10 things. In her book, One Thousand Gifts, Ann Voscamp argues eloquently…

A New Approach to Children’s Ministry

Sunday marked the first day of our new Sunday morning format for Emmaus Kids! During the church gathering, Children’s Chapel is offered for kids ages 3 to 10 in the library. A nursery is available for the little ones ages 6 months to 2 years in the teachers’ lounge. Both rooms will be ready for children at 9:45 to allow time for parents to do drop offs before the start of church (at 10:00). At the passing of the peace,…

Can Church be Wonderful and Weird?

  I wasn’t able to join the community at Emmaus Church in Lincoln on Sunday but I did watch the teaching online.  The message was called Less Weird, More Wonderful and Nathan mentioned three things that we do every Sunday at Emmaus that might seem a bit weird but are actually quite wonderful: Passing of the Peace – This is a 10-15 minute time after the sermon in which we have the opportunity to “pass peace” to one another.  I’ll admit…

Sabbath Well

Sabbath is a gift. You receive it. You don’t earn it or work it. You just receive it and embrace it. Unless you don’t. Unless you just miss it. Whether it’s an every-seven-year sabbatical or an every-seven-day sabbath, there’s a choice that must be made with passionate intention:  Source: New feed

Sabbath Well

Sabbath is a gift. You receive it. You don’t earn it or work it. You just receive it and embrace it. Unless you don’t. Unless you just miss it. Whether it’s an every-seven-year sabbatical or an every-seven-day sabbath, there’s a choice that must be made with passionate intention:  Source: New feed

How we do church at Emmaus

On Sunday at Emmaus Church in Lincoln, CA, Nathan began the teaching by having the children come to the front of the room to watch a clip from Toy Story.  He explained that there are two different ways to deal with all of the questions that children have while watching a movie.  One option is to simply tell them to stop asking questions and assure them that if they keep paying attention, the answers will be clear eventually.  The other…